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Julius Caesar was the ruler of Rome from 46-44BC. He brought the influence of Rome across several areas and impacted the lives of many people. He united the Romans using his charm through a dark period, closing the gap between the poor and the rich by a large amount. He also created the Julian calendar, which was the calendar we still use today. If the definition of a notable person was someone that has a positive influence to humanity, Julius Caesar definitely would be notable. 


Rome was surrounded by enemies. The way ancient Romans dealt with enemies was to invade and conquer those enemies. Rome was literally surrounded with enemies such as Syria, Germany, Greece and Egypt. Therefore Rome conquered the countries nearby, and brought Roman influences, which developed the English language as most English words are derived of Latin words, the language of Rome. Rome bought art, literature, engineering and science as well as law to all parts of the Mediterranean. They brought farming methods, roads, and trials by court, which led to a fairer, better life. Without the leadership of Caesar, Rome wouldn't be the glorious empire it was in the ancient times. In fact, his nephew became the first emperor of Rome.

When Julius Caesar was first born, Rome was still fairly young. Wealth wasn't distributed evenly. There were struggles between the poor and the rich. The poor wanted some of the wealth and the rich didn't want to give some to them. Caesar came from an aristocratic family, but he stood for the poor and became popular. He was also a great General and decided to conquer other countries, making him even more popular. Soon he became the leader of Rome, who made him dictator for life. Using his power, he united Rome, strengthening the military and distributing wealth more evenly to the common people of Rome. He stopped fighting between the two classes, saving people from fighting and rebellions. Not only did he stop them however, he brought the two groups together so Rome would become stronger. 


What did Julius Caesar do for the modern people? Why don't you check your calendar. Caesar created the Julian calendar, which had 365.25 days and is the calendar we use today. Before the Julian calendar, calendars weren't very clear, and powerful people made the longer or shorter depending on their purposes. They could make years shorter so that people paid their annual fees faster, or they could make holidays shorter so people could work earlier. Caesar put an end to this with his calendar, with 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year. Your birthday wouldn't've been celebrated, or might've become random dates if it wasn't for the official Julian calendar! 


The definition of a notable person in this One note is 'A notable person is someone who has a positive influences on our lives and the progress of humanity' Julius Caesar definitely fits this definition, bringing Roman influences around the world, giving people a fairer life and inventing the Julian calendar. That is why I am choosing Julius Caesar for this project. 

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