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Diary Entry

I am the most powerful person in Rome. I have beaten Pompey, who envied my success and declared war against me. He probably didn't expect my Gaul campaign to be as successful as it was. Though it doesn't matter. I gave a speech yesterday, saying "I came, I saw, I conquered," Gaul was easier to beat than I imagined. I am famous for my leadership and for my military tactics. Many people agree that I am the greatest Roman general in the whole history of the nation. 


Tomorrow I will become the ruler of Rome. The public will support my actions, due to my reforms and laws. I've paid off some of Rome's debts and expanded its boundaries. Only the strongest and most powerful of the Romans can rule, and if that's not me, then no one is fit to rule Rome. But Pompey has got me thinking, am I becoming too ambitious? Pompey may still have some supporters. What if I am assassinated later on? No, I have come too far to doubt myself. Doubting myself won't do any good. Tomorrow I shall become the most powerful person in Rome officially. 


The next day... 


I have become the ruler of Rome. The crowd cheered as it was announced, a barrage of cheers and applause. Many people came to congratulate me. I don't think that announcing this should be a celebration, but it keeps the public morale high. And i have to admit, it felt good to be standing in front of those people. But I can't let this get to my head. I may be in power now, but I won't be for much longer if I don't make the right decisions for Rome.  


There was one thing that spoiled my day. The senators were muttering and shaking their heads, and a few glared at me when they thought I wasn't looking. I'm going to have to watch my back around them now. If the fight with Pompey taught me anything, it's that people will be jealous of you for your accomplishments. Now that I'm so powerful, they won't start a war, but they might hire assassins. I'm not going to die in their hands. But something tells me I should be writing a will. 

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